When are we going to get a traffic light at our intersection with Bulverde?

Roseheart does not meet any of the criteria for obtaining a traffic light at our intersection with Bulverde.

On 23 Mar 2007 there was a Town Hall meeting at the Roseheart Clubhouse. Two City Traffic Engineers explained our situation and recommended possible solutions for our homeowners trying to egress from Roseheart during rush hours. Currently, the best method is to turn right out of Roseheart onto Bulverde and proceed north to our neighbor, Pearsons, and use their traffic signal to gain southbound Bulverde Road access.

As a footnote, the May 2007 City of San Antonio Bond Election passed which included funding for the expansion of Bulverde Road. Still no traffic light but WILL include an acceleration lane for left egresses onto Bulverde Road.